Used by Hundreds of Universities Around the World

Peerceptiv client logos: New York University, Iowa, University of Virginia, Nanyang Technological University, University of Manitoba

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Peer Assessment and Team Member Evaluation for Any Course

With Peerceptiv, you can replace your multiple-choice assessments with authentic, formative assessments. Instructors can add a peer review step to your current assignments in less than 30 minutes. Watch this video to see how the Peer Assessment process works.

Getting started with user-friendly Team Member Evaluation is easy. Seamless LMS integration streamlines group setup and grade passback. Gone are the days of hassling with spreadsheets! Watch this three-minute video to see Peerceptiv’s industry-leading Team Member Evaluation software.


  • Valid and reliable peer grading algorithms based on over a decade of research

  • AI algorithms motivate learners to engage with each other at a high level, on both sides of the feedback loop.

  • Students build critical analysis, collaboration, & other work-ready skills

  • Assign authentic, evidence-based assessments proven to improve learner equity

  • Provides individualized support for students through detailed, formative feedback even in large or online courses

  • 35% performance improvement in high-risk students, improving retention and completion rates


  • Purpose-built and easy to use for both students and instructors

  • Anonymous feedback on experiential learning from external partners

  • Gain quantitative and qualitative data about the dynamics of each group

  • Give students insight to improve their collaboration skills

  • Completely customizable to fit with existing assignments

Actively engage students and generate real-time learning data with rubric-based peer reviews for group or individual presentations.

With Peerceptiv’s research-based, double-blind peer review, instructors can assign a wide range of writing, presentation, graphic, video submission, and other evidence-based assessments in any learning environment. These higher-order learning tasks build the critical thinking, writing, and interpersonal skills employers demand most in the workplace in a way that multiple-choice assignments simply cannot. In fact, research shows that students learn more on the giving side of the feedback loop – explaining misconceptions and clarifying arguments to peers – than they do on the receiving side. By the time final drafts are submitted, students can feel confident in turning in high-quality work since they will have received more feedback on their initial draft than an instructor likely has time to give everyone. Instructors feel relieved knowing when they grade papers that have gone through a conscientious peer review process, they are seeing the true capabilities of their students.

Instructors can get started right away using Peerceptiv’s standard Team Member Evaluation rubric or create their own to fit any requirements. Using the standard rubric, evaluators rate the quality of team members’ participation and collaboration. Multiple evaluation options mean Peerceptiv can work with any existing assignment. Instructors can assign students to rate their group members on their collaboration skills or rate the performance of other groups for team-based assessments. Students and student groups can also be evaluated by the instructor or an external partner- great for capstone projects and experiential learning! Groups sync directly from the university’s LMS, easing group set-up and grade delivery for projects. Team member evaluation from Peerceptiv is leveraged by instructors from leading universities all over the world to provide high-quality collaborative learning.

Easy to integrate with your curriculum

Peerceptiv is configurable with a wide range of Learning Management Systems, allowing for a seamless learning experience for professors and students integrated within your school’s existing technology.