Accessibility Policy:

Peerceptiv is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website and learning platform to people with disabilities. New, updated, and existing web content produced by our organization will meet WCGA 2.1 AA standards.

Existing Peerceptiv content meets our standard.

Content provided for our site by third-party developers meets WCGA 2.1 AA standards. This does not include user-generated content such as submission files or reviews.

We aim to ensure that our authoring tools and processes meet  WCGA 2.1 AA standards. We will preferentially purchase authoring tools that meet or exceed our web accessibility policy.

Where possible Peerceptiv products are developed with the goal of meeting WCGA 2.1 AAA standards.

We will review this policy bi-annually on or before August 1st, 2023. This policy was last reviewed on February 14th, 2023, by Jake Halloran.

Accessibility Accommodations:

Peerceptiv will make best effort attempts to satisfy student accessibility accommodation requests. Users may make accommodation requests by sending an email to In most cases users will receive a response with accommodation next steps within 48 hours.

Accessibility Statement:

Peerceptiv makes an accessibility statement available:

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)

The most recent Peerceptiv VPAT is available here: VPAT AUG 2022 Peerceptiv


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