Instructor Spotlight: Demystifying the Cosmos for Non-science Majors

At Texas A&M, Dr. Dave Toback is demystifying the cosmos for non-science majors. The course focuses on mastery, using the feedback generated by peers in Peerceptiv to prepare students for future success in academia.
Dr. Toback encouraged a growth mindset for his over 280 students per semester using 4 essay assignments in Peerceptiv. Students provided feedback for their peers, internalizing course standards and thinking critically about course content. After receiving peer feedback, 1 in 4 resubmitted an assignment to improve their grade.
Read why Dr. Toback says Peerceptiv prepares students for “the real world.”
Peerceptiv Instructor Spotlights bring attention to instructors who are inspiring deeper learning with authentic assessments using our peer learning platform. With over a decade of research, Peerceptiv enables all instructors to implement pedagogy that deepens learning, while easing the grading burden. To join Dave and thousands of other professors using Peerceptiv contact us today.