November 21, 2018

In this bulletin, we will address a number of inquiries about new features and improvements that have been recently released. There have been a number of improvements to our Group Submission Assignment type and we have added an additional module called Team Member Evaluation. If you have additional questions about any of the new features discussed here, please reach out to

Group Assignments

  • Our new spreadsheet upload tool makes it easy for the instructor to create groups. Students can also create their own groups using their email addresses.
  • Team Member Evaluation can be included. This allows students to rate and provide feedback about their group members’ contribution to the project. Completing team member evaluations counts towards the task grade, but the ratings don’t otherwise factor into the document or reviewing grades.
  • Peerceptiv group assignments can run from assignment creation to grade pass-back with as much or as little instructor intervention as desired.
  • One group member submission for the entire group, all students work as individuals to complete the required number of reviews, and any group members can complete the back-evaluations.
  • Everyone in the group receives the same document (submission) score, but earns their own review and back-evaluation score.

Team Member Evaluation

This module can be added to a Group Submission Assignment or be used as a stand-alone assignment and allows group members to evaluate the contributions of other group members.

  • Evaluator remains anonymous as they rate and comment on the contribution of their team members.
  • Instructors can use a pre-loaded rubric evaluating content knowledge, work ethic, communication, professionalism, and overall contribution or create their own rubric.
  • The instructor view shows the whole class’ results and comments.

Student Interface Improvements

We have made a number of updates to the student user experience.

  • Students can navigate an entire assignment from their Assignment Overview Screen.
  • When click through an LMS, students still have single sign on and grade pass-back to the LMS Gradebook.
  • Students are directed to the Assignment Overview Screen when clicking on that assignment in LMS rather than the Course Overview Screen.


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