Richard Varn Joins Peerceptiv Board

Peerceptiv announced today that Richard Varn has joined the Board of Directors. Mr. Varn has a long history in education and education technology, having managed the ETS Center for Advanced Technology & Neuroscience as well as the ETS Innovation Lab. He served for 9 years as Distinguished Presidential Appointee and 10 years on the ETS Board of Trustees. Earlier roles included serving as Senior Fellow with the Center for Digital Government and Education in Sacramento, CA, CIO of the State of Iowa, and as Director of IT Production Services and Instructor at the University of Northern Iowa. Mr. Varn has been a longtime advisor to the LearnLaunch Institute and has consulted with many early-stage companies in the education space.
“We’re delighted to have someone of Richard’s experience on the Board,” said Mark Limbach, Peerceptiv CEO. “He brings perspectives that will drive the growth of peer learning in ways we couldn’t possibly hope to do on our own. We’re looking forward to working with him.”
Varn shared why he is excited to be joining the Peerceptiv Board: “Peer evaluation done with solid learning science as Peerceptiv does is a powerful tool for deeper learning for the raters and for improving feedback to learners. When you must understand what makes a high-quality response and rate others, you automatically increase your own understanding of the subject and how to improve your own performance. Peerceptiv’s tools can be used in a wide variety of learning settings and industries and its growth potential is very high.”
Peerceptiv is a leader in peer learning, improving outcomes and scaling learning through research-validated peer assessment. Peerceptiv serves schools, institutions, and organizations across North America and around the world. Learn more about Peerceptiv at
For more information contact:
Kiera Dickey
Market Development Manager